Procedure landraces, hobby market and conservation varieties
It is recognised within Europe that there is a risk of loss of genetic variation and genetic resources. Therefore, the opportunity should be given to register (permit) them, including the possibility to inspect those varieties. This will also allow trading in these varieties. To gain insight into how many-and what varieties-are involved, two European directives have been adopted. The EU Agriculture Directive 2008/62 concerns the marketing of seed and seed potatoes of landraces and conservation varieties. The EU Vegetable Directive 2009/145 concerns the marketing of seed of landraces, conservation varieties and amateur varieties.

In the Netherlands, these varieties only need to be registered for acceptance if they have a minimum turnover of € 500,-- per variety per year. If there is less turnover, the variety does not have to be registered for admission.
The variety test for purposes of registration in the NRR
- In principle, 1 testing year
- Application is compared with the submitted description form of the variety
- A variety description is made by the testing station (in the Netherlands Naktuinbouw)
- No resistance tests are carried out
- Uniformity less strict on the basis of off-types
Sales conditions
If the variety is accepted, it is included in the NRR. The variety can be sold under certain conditions.
- Landraces and conservation varieties (agriculture and vegetables)
Cultivation, conservation and sale of the variety may only take place in its area of origin. Also, a limited cultivation area may be used to grow the variety. - Hobby market varieties (vegetables)
Only sale in small packages is allowed. The label must indicate that the variety was developed for cultivation under certain conditions. - The cultivation area and size of packages are laid down in the annexes of both directives.
Apply for admission
An application can be made by submitting the following:
- Application form for landrace, hobby market or conservation variety
- Technical description form (TQ)
- Sample. The submission requirements are different than for a regular DUS test. You can find the submission requirements per crop in this table.